Collection: Lughnasadh

The First of August brings Lughnasadh, and with it comes the bounty of Summer. We celebrate the beginning of the harvest season with symbols of abundance: ripe, juicy blackberries mix with soothing oats and sweet, subtle honey.

Notes & Themes

  • Blackberries
  • Oats
  • Honey

What Is Lughnasadh?

Lughnasadh is named for Lugh, a pan-Celtic deity who was known as one of the finest kings and warriors of the Tuatha de Danaan, Ireland's mystical tribe of gods. His holiday falls on August 1st and celebrates the bounty of the harvest. With their world filled with abundance after long months of work, early Celts would gather for this harvest festival, where they would enjoy feats of strength and sports championships, make deals, meet with old friends, arrange marriages, and all manner of revelry.