Collection: Ostara

On the Spring Equinox, the first green of the coming season finally begins to show. The Ostara Blend is crafted for purification and renewal after long months of cold. Top notes of natural floral heather fragrance oil blend with purifying rosemar essential oil in a base of deep, spicy black pepper. Perfect for celebrating the Spring Equinox!

Notes & Themes

  • Heather - one of the first flowers of Spring, wild heather covers the hills and valleys of Ireland and Scotland
  • Rosemary - famously cleansing, rosemary is a natural antiseptic and antioxidant
  • Black pepper flower - intense and woody, the spicy black pepper flower is another antioxidant powerhouse

What is Ostara?

Named for the Germanic goddess Eostre, Ostara is the source of the name of the familiar modern holiday known as Easter. It falls on the Spring Equinox, when the sun is finally beginning to drift meaningfully higher into the sky and bring just enough warmth and light to start the growing season. As the ground warms, plants like heather begin to spread and bloom, and of course, the rabbits begin to mate.